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“Turiba University” LTD 
Senate meeting minutes No.21 dated 18.06.2024,

“Turiba University" LTD
1.    General Provisions
1.1.    These Regulations shall stipulate the rights, obligations and behaviour standards of the Lessor and residents i.e. tenants, guests and visitors of the Youth Tourism Hostel (hereinafter JTM) of “Turiba University” LTD (hereinafter referred to as Turiba) located at 68A and 68B, Graudu street, Riga. The Regulations are also applicable to other persons who receive accommodation services in accordance with the agreement on the provision of accommodation services at JTM.
1.2.    Responsibility for non-compliance with these Regulations as well as behaviour standards while on Turiba premises is governed by the internal regulations of Turiba.
1.3.    In order to use Youth Tourism Hostel premises, a tenancy contract should be concluded or guest registration card signed upon production of identity papers certifying the name, surname, photograph and identity number or date of birth of the relevant individuals. Only residents have the right to stay on JTM premises - i.e. persons who have a valid tenancy contract or who are registered as a guest or visitor.
1.4.    The payment for JTM services for 24 hour period shall be settled at 12.00. If a tenant stays at the JTM after 12:00, the tenant shall pay the daily fee at the rate of ½ the price of the room or bed. If a tenant stays at the JTM after 17:00, he/she shall pay the rental fee for full 24 hours.
1.5.    If a tenant leaves the Youth Tourism Hostel for a known time period (period of internship, vacation), he/she shall have an obligation to vacate the room or bed and hand it over to the JTM administrator. The time when the room has been vacated and handed over shall be fixed in the tenancy contract. If the time when the room has been vacated or handed over has not been fixed in the tenancy contract, the tenant shall pay a full rental fee for the relevant time period. 
1.6.    A visitor who arrives at the JTM must communicate the name and room number of the tenant to the JTM administrator, who will verify whether that tenant is available at the JTM and agrees to receive the visitor.  The visitor is allowed to stay at JTM from 7.00 to 23.00.  If the visitor wants to stay at JTM after 23.00, then he/she has to sign a guest’s registration card and pay for the accommodation. Each tenant shall bear personally responsible for his/her visitor as well as responsible for any damages caused by his/her visitor (the Youth Tourism Hostel tenant shall acquaint his/her guest with the Internal regulations of the Youth Tourism Hostel). Any unauthorized entry of a visitor into the JTM shall be considered a violation of these regulations, for which the tenant shall be liable in accordance with the Internal Regulations of Turiba.
1.7.    JTM has the right to refuse to enter into a contract or to register the guest or refuse to extend the contract or guest registration card if they have expired, as well as to terminate the contract if the occupant fails to fulfil obligations under the contract or guest registration card or Turiba Internal Regulations or Youth Tourism Hostel internal regulations, or is the room/bed is required for the use of a Turiba student or employee. JTM also has the right to refuse entry if the visitor is under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances or if the JTM employee has a reasonable suspicion that the internal regulations of the JTM will be violated.
1.8.    JTM has the right to immediately terminate the contract with a person who has committed a serious or repeated violation of Turiba Internal Regulations. Such a person must immediately hand over the inventory received, vacate the room from his personal belongings and leave the JTM.
1.9.    A person who has committed a serious or repeated violation of Turiba Internal Regulations and whose contract has been terminated or guest registration card annulled on the above grounds may be denied entry and stay at the JTM. 
1.10.    The kitchen on each floor is allowed to be used, as well as only residents who have a contract for a room on that particular floor are allowed to be there. 
2.    Rights of the tenant
2.1.    To use the linen, room amenities, facilities handed over to him/her and premises of common use (kitchen, shower rooms, lavatories, etc.) for their intended purposes.
2.2.    To use other services provided by Turiba JTM premises, as well as pay the specified fee, if such services are provided as paid services.
2.3.    Inform the JTM administrator regarding any proposals, irregularities or faults discovered,  defects in the JTM premises or inventory and register them in the "Journal for complaints and proposals" available at the JTM administrator desk. Complaints about non-compliance with the JTM internal regulations must be addressed to the JTM head, but submitted to the Study Information Centre and any such will be reviewed within 30 days.
3.    Duties and obligations of the tenant and the visitor
3.1.    To observe the legal norms of the Republic of Latvia, fulfil all the contractual obligations with Turiba, adhere to these regulations herein as well as other internal regulations of Turiba.
3.2.    On the day of expiry of the tenancy contract, vacate and hand over the room and / or bed and inventory (including bed linen) to the manager or administrator of the JTM by 12.00, vacate the room and /or bed of one's personal belongings, as well as hand over the room key and entrance card to the administrator.
3.3.    To carefully use the inventory (material technical base) of JTM. The person found guilty for the material damages shall be liable to the full extent. If the inventory is missing or damaged, the responsible JTM employee shall draw up a report, where the compensation shall be determined in accordance with the pricing specified in the decree issued by the Chairman of the Board or value corresponding to its repair or replacement. The damages should be compensated for within 7 (seven) days as of the moment when the amount of damages is made known to the guilty person.
3.4.    At the request of Turiba personnel, to introduce oneself by providing one's name and surname and producing one's personal ID document as well as showing any objects in one's possession and to follow the instructions of Turiba personnel. To follow the instructions and decisions of Turiba personnel according to the Turiba internal regulatory enactments.
3.5.    Locking one's room upon leaving the JTM room.
3.6.    Not to allow any unauthorized persons to stay in the room in absence of the room tenants.
3.7.    To respect mutual culture relations, including treating other tenants, visitors, Turiba employees with respect and courtesy, respect the rights of other persons, including the right to privacy.
3.8.    Under-age tenants should be in their rooms after 23:00.
3.9.    To observe silence from 23.00 to 7.00 not to make noise, not to play musical instruments, not to use radio receivers, players, magnetic tape recorders or other audio devices, and not to make any other actions giving rise to loud noise in order not to disturb or trouble other tenants. At all other times, above mentioned activities are allowed within norms so that other tenants or the teaching/learning process is not disturbed. 
3.10.    It is forbidden to use alcohol, incl. beer or other intoxicating substances in the Youth Tourism Hostel rooms or premises of common use.
3.11.    It is only allowed to smoke in specially arranged and marked places intended for that purpose.
3.12.    To observe basic norms of cleanliness and tidiness and to air the rooms. Not to litter in the rooms or the premises. To leave the kitchen in a clean condition after its usage. To empty waste paper bins in specially provided place for waste disposal – waste disposal bins, regularly not less than once a day. It is strictly forbidden to leave waste bags or empty them in premises foreseen for common use incl. the kitchen, toilets or washing rooms. 
3.13.    Not to place things on window sills and not to hang the same out of the windows. 
3.14.    It is forbidden to move or rearrange furniture, equipment and devices without permission, drive nails into the wall, stick or pin items on the walls or inventory such as stickers or posters, draw on the walls or in any other damage the  wall constructions, wallpapers or paint in the JTM rooms or premises.
3.15.    It is strictly forbidden to bring animals/pets into the JTM premises. 
3.16.    Not to leave one's personal things in premises foreseen for common use incl. JTM corridors, areas or staircases, i.e. outside one's room.
3.17.    It is forbidden to carry out any inventory or other objects of material value belonging to the JTM independently without approval from one’s room. 
3.18.    To allow JTM employees, security personnel or technical personnel entry into one's room for making repairs, fixing plumbing or other devices or for checking their technical condition or for purposes of  control of compliance with the regulations herein or other regulations governing the functioning of Turiba.
3.19.    It is forbidden to carry out any unsanctioned repair or improvements in the rooms or premises for common use.
3.20.    The administrator or housekeeping of the JTM must be informed regarding any changes made to the room inventory.
3.21.    Not to use electrical heaters or other electrical devices without the authorisation of the JTM head.
3.22.    To acquaint one's guests with the internal regulation of the Youth Tourism Hostel.
3.23.    To inform relevant Turiba personnel regarding any violations observed regarding compliance with the Regulations herein or any other irregularities at the JTM and record the same in the "Journal for complaints and proposals" available at the JTM administrator desk. 
3.24.    To pay for additional services availed in accordance with the Turiba approved rates.
3.25.    To close the window, turn off the lights, radio and other electrical appliances upon leaving the room for studies or going out of the JTM.
3.26.    It is strictly forbidden to hand over the entrance card issued to a tenant or visitor to other persons.
3.27.    To enter the JTM only through the entrance control device (Turnstile) in a manner specified by the manufacturer, except in cases agreed with the JTM administration or the Internal Security Service personnel. 
3.28.    It is strictly forbidden for a tenant to use the issued entrance card to cross the entrance control device simultaneously with another person.
4.    Other provisions
4.1.    It shall be an obligation of the Turiba personnel to introduce themselves giving their name, surname and position while settling down any differences or conflicts as well as to inform the tenant or visitor about their rights to appeal against decision or actions against them.
4.2.    JTM employees are entitled to enter the room together with another person (in case of emergency or technical problems - alone) in the absence of the tenant of the room to check the condition of the room, including to prevent a technical problem or accident or the consequences of the accident, and to check compliance with the regulations herein and other Turiba regulatory documents.
4.3.    The JTM administration has the right to transfer the personal property of the tenant and transfer them to the storage facility, if the tenant has not fulfilled the provisions of the clause 3.2. herein within 72 (seventy-two) hours after the expiry of the contract. The transfer of personal belongings to the storage facility shall take place by drawing up a report in which any such belongings are listed. If necessary, any such belongings are photographed. The report shall be signed by at least two employees of the JTM administration or other Turiba structural units. Storage of personal property/belongings is a paid service, which the tenant shall pay in accordance with the rates approved by Turiba. In any case, storage of the property is not ensured for more than one month after the expiry of the contract. 

4.4.If, at the end of the rental agreement or when the tenant is shifted to another room, it is found that the room had been left dirty, the JTM administration has the right to take a photograph, draft a violation report and determine/demand a room cleaning fee of EUR 50.00 (fifty euros, 00 cents), as well as cancel any room reservations if such have been made.

4.5.    The JTM administration has the right to move tenants, if necessary, to another room and/or building, if living conditions change, a household conflict arises between the tenants of the room, floor or residence, or other persons living in the same room with the specific tenant has been made impossible, or in cases where it is necessary to comply with the rules of the state of emergency declared by the public administration.  
4.6.    For security reasons, Turiba employees have the right to record conversations of JTM tenants or visitors.

Head of the Youth Tourism Hostel                            I.Ernstsone


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